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Radiation Dose Calculation

    Calculate public and occupational radiation doses for a wide variety of facilities.

    MILDOS-AREA was developed for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to calculate potential doses to the public   surrounding uranium milling facilities. 


RESRAD, developed for the US Department of Energy, is a computer model designed to estimate radiation doses and risks from RESidual RADioactive materials.  RESRAD is the only code designated by DOE in Order 5400.5 for the evaluation of radioactively contaminated sites.


Example Dose Calculation Projects:

  1. For Cotter Corp. calculated potential doses to the public from operations of the Cotter Uranium Milling Facility in Canon City, CO.

  1. Calculated doses to a hypothetical worker planned in situ uranium recovery facility in central Wyoming.

  2. Used RESRAD to calculate doses to individuals in a variety of settings, including members of the Navajo Tribe living in homes potentially contaminated by waste uranium ore.



  1. For Water Remediation Technology, developed an Excel-based system to calculate potential doses to municipal workers servicing well-head radium-removal water treatment tanks.

  2. For Cotter Corp., revised the occupational dose record-keeping system for their uranium milling facility in Canon City, CO.  


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